Under a red moon

Under a jet stream of cold-air rather. I am so tired of sitting directly under an air-conditioner (stylishly shortened as air-con in the part of the world where I currently live). Lately, the air-con is totally stretching my patience and decreases my ability to last long spells of such cold-blooded torture. I am starting to hate the whole idea of having an air-con in the rooms. This might sound ironic to people who believe that the air-con helps to keep the temperature low in rooms, which are usually hot.

To be frank, I never hated the air-con and actually thought it to be a noble idea and a boon to people living in the equatorial areas. Until recently. Day after day, I am getting more vulnerable to normal and silly issues like common cold and running noses. Confirming my fears, the direct contact with the cold breeze from the air-con seem to have a skin-thwarting and nerve-wrecking effect on my body. A quick Google search regarding the case leads me to numerous scientific articles stating that extended exposure to cold and dry air from air-con does indeed reduce immunity to microbes, justifying my hatred towards air-cons.

What would work fine with me is to keep the air-con temperature slightly lower than the outside temperature. This is more reasonable than to lower the air-con temperature to the extreme low temperature possible. It is, after all, healthier and energy-efficient, helping to conserve energy and indirectly, help in keeping our mother Earth’s atmosphere greener.

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